
Welcome to my blog about my life with Bipolar Disorder. For years I have suffered, as have my family and friends with my manic highs and extreme lows. Bipolar Disorder has caused a lot of destruction in my life, and for the first time I finally feel that the combination of therapy, medication, ECT treatments, and unwavering support from my husband, son, family and friends are really pulling me out of the darkness...but, it's been quite a journey and I've learned so much along the way. I am hoping that by sharing some of what I have been through, it might help others with their diagnosis and/or treatment.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just Thinking...

So..I have neglected my page for several days!  I had surgery on my foot and have been recovering a  little slower than I had hoped/expected. 

Two weeks ago I mustered up the courage to go to church by myself and it was wonderful, the message was very relevant.  Then last weekend Charlie went with me and again it was fantastic and he really enjoyed it too.  I feel very comfortable there, and am looking forward to hopefully becoming a member and learning all I can!  I met with the Minister and she gave me a couple of wonderful books to help me on my journey.

I have had two appointments with my new psychiatrist...apparently I am the only one in our group who like him :)
He's very funny...in a Mr. Rogers sort of way and has a very dry sense of humor.  Seems good at his job and that's what really matters.

A new med has been added to my regimine - it's called Deplin..  This is kind of confusing..it's not really a drug..more of a supplement, but you have to have a prescription for it and insurance won't cover it.  I was given samples by my Dr. and it's supposed to enhance the performance of your antidepressent.  It really seems to me helping in that regard - no side effects to report.

In the past week I found out in very interesting ways that two people in different areas of my life are afflicted with bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder.  Sadly, like me, they don't want anyone to know who they are because of the stigma associated with mental illness.  I really feel that God intervened and had a hand in my finding out..I'm hoping that I can help these people some way in the future..even if it's just lending an ear from time to time. I'm feeling very pulled spiritually and that is an awesome feeling!

We welcomed a new granddaughter this past Saturday.  We went to see her Monday evening and it was wonderful.  Charlie's sons are having a hard time coping with what I'm going through, but I think we are making progress...and that's a prayer answered!

Next week is my forensic evaluation...I really don't know what to expect with that and am a bit nervous.  There is so much I can't remember due to the ECT treatments I'm afraid a lot of my answers will be "I don't know" or "I can't remember" so please keep me in your prayers...

Last night I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep...I laid there and looked at Charlie and thought about how deep my love is for him.  I am so blessed.

Until next time.....
God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you again. You have such a storytellers voice. You will be able to reach others in need. So glad you found a church and a minister you like...
