
Welcome to my blog about my life with Bipolar Disorder. For years I have suffered, as have my family and friends with my manic highs and extreme lows. Bipolar Disorder has caused a lot of destruction in my life, and for the first time I finally feel that the combination of therapy, medication, ECT treatments, and unwavering support from my husband, son, family and friends are really pulling me out of the darkness...but, it's been quite a journey and I've learned so much along the way. I am hoping that by sharing some of what I have been through, it might help others with their diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gaining Strength

Hi Everyone!

Thought I would take a moment to share an update...

The ECT treatments are still on-going, about one every 4 weeks.  I would love to say that I don't think I need them anymore, but honestly I know that I do and I know they help tremendously.  I can feel the difference, which is hard to describe - but it's as if the storm in my mind calms.  It clearly works for me, and for that I am so thankful.

Continuing psychotherapy once a week with Dr. Allen, there is a great comfort level with him which makes talking and healing that much easier...psychotherapy is a lot of work which I enjoy.  It's nice to feel as though I'm actively participating in my own recovery.

Probably the most exciting news is that we (Charlie and  I) had our first Depressions Bipolar Support Alliance meeting.  We started a chapter in Preston County that meets at the Wesley United Methodist Church the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.  We are now starting a Morgantown chapter which will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.  We both brought a lot to the meeting - of course from different perspectives and it went very well. 

I feel like things are coming full circle - the hurt, the pain - all the suffering for so many years is coming full circle and helping others - God works in wondrous ways!

I still don't know the path I will be given the next few months, however, I do know that regardless of the path, it will lead to the same place and I will have continue to try to help others deal with mental health issues..and to raise awareness!

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. It is exciting to see where God takes us and how he can use whatever is going on in our life if we give it to him! So proud of you and Charlie! So, I guess Zumba on Thursdays is out! :>)
